web.acceptAlert() recorded instead of web.alertAccept() and web.dismissAlert() recorded instead of web.alertDismiss()

Test Incident Report. 25/05/2021

Test Incident Report Identifier: Oxygen_IDE_1.23.1_2021-05-24_22-44-31_js_confirm_alerts_recording

Bug title: Mistyped web.alertAccept() and web.alertDismiss() functions during automation recording.

Summary: In Oxygen IDE, during automation recording of Alert response family functions on JS confirm() alert box function, the result of automatic recording included incorrect names of web.alertAccept() and web.alertDismiss() – of alert family functions – mistyped by mechanics of recording. Result consisted of web.acceptAlert(); instead of web.alertAccept() ; and web.dismissAlert(); instead of web.alertDismiss(); respectively.

Supporting materials:

“TestIncidentReport_[Oxygen_IDE_1.23.1_2021-05-24_22-44-31_js_confirm_alerts_recording].docx” – this document.

“js_confirm_web_alert_record_bug.js” – sample automatic js test procedure case recorded in Oxygen ID.

“alert_test03.html” – html file with sample code which have been tested to reproduce bug.

“Oxygen_IDE_2021-05-24 22-44-31.mp4” – sample video of recording and discovering the bug.

Testing environment:

One PC laptop with: licensed OS Windows 10 Pro x64 (IIS service installed and running), licensed Office2016, Chrome browser with Oxygen extension, Oxygen IDE.

Hardware specs:

Device name Dell Latitude E5550

Processor Intel® Core™ i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz

Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

OS specs:

Edition Windows 10 Pro

Version 20H2

Installed on ‎14/‎07/‎2020

OS build 19042.985

Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.2020.0

Browser specs:

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is up to date

Version 90.0.4430.212 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Oxygen IDE specs:

Additional OS and SW specs:

Installed Windows features:

IIS localhost support service:

Test Procedure steps used to discover the incident :

  • Ensure that all the test are performed in this initial state:
    • running PC;
    • running OS;
    • logged in local test user (int) without administrative privileges (assigned to Users local group);
    • running IIS service (installed by the PoweShell command: “Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName “IIS-DefaultDocument” –All”);
    • installed and running Oxygen IDE;
    • installed and running Chrome browser;
    • installed and enabled/active Oxygen IDE extension (Script recorder for Oxygen Framework.);
    • file “alert_test03.html” is placed in IIS localhost wwwroot directory (“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\alert_test03.html”).
  • Switch to Oxygen IDE and start recording.
  • Switch to Chrome browser and go to “http://localhost/alert_test03.html
  • Press " Try it 1" button.
  • Press OK button.
  • Press " Try it 1" button.
  • Press “Cancel” button.
  • Switch to Oxygen IDE and stop recording.
  • Save file.
  • Press “Run”
  • Check receiving expected message: “Test finished with status --> PASSED.”
  • Repeat steps 1-11 enough cycles if necessary.

Test Case Specifications that will provide the information to repeat the incident :

If: User is recording an automation testing sequence in Oxygen IDE.

When: User invokes alert box of confirming type by clicking on the suitable html element and subsequently accepting and dismissing the alert box. The Oxygen IDE is recording corresponding web.alertAccept() and web.alertDismiss() functions accordingly.

Then: Running the recorded script in Oxygen IDE resulted in a successfully performed test run.

Expected result:

Receiving expected message:


Test finished with status --> PASSED.


Actual results:

Receiving the script error message:


SCRIPT_ERROR - web.acceptAlert is not a function at C:\Users\int\Downloads\oxygen_works\oxygen_IDE_bug\js_confirm_web_alert_record_bug.js line 10

Test failed: [SCRIPT_ERROR] “web.acceptAlert is not a function” at oxygen_IDE_bug\js_confirm_web_alert_record_bug.js line 10

Test finished with status --> FAILED.


Test logs showing the actual execution of the test cases and procedures :

Recorded in included video file “Oxygen_IDE_2021-05-24 22-44-31.mp4”

Incident description:

In Oxygen IDE, during automation recording of Alert response family functions on JS confirm() alert box function, the result of automatic recording included incorrect names of web.alertAccept() and web.alertDismiss() – of alert family functions – mistyped by mechanics of recording. Result consisted of web.acceptAlert(); instead of web.alertAccept() ; and web.dismissAlert(); instead of web.alertDismiss(); respectively.

As result of running such code the “SCRIPT_ERROR” message is displayed, addressing the mistyped functions - by “is not a function” phrase - signifying that system have not recognized the recorded function name.

The state of browser after failure of the script:

When incorrect names switched to the correct ones, the test behaved as expected.

Reported by tester: Vladimir Amir.

Observed by: Shay Ginsbourg.


In small projects, this bug might not be a problem because it is easy to change the names manually.

In large projects, however, this bug might not be immediately perceivable and multiple occurrences of triggering elements in tested system might create a need for a multiple refactoring of the recorded automation script.

Priority: Major

Severity: Minor

The code of the file under test is in appendix.

Appendix: Text of the code under test in “alert_test03.html”

JavaScript Confirm Box

<button id=“confirm_box”, onclick=“myFunction1()”>Try it 1

Click the button to display an alert box.

Try it 2

Enter No:

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Full reproduction video, additional screenshots and detailed documentation are available and can be supplied upon demand.
