Integrate with pCloudy

I would like to integrate the oxygen with the mobile devices in available pCloudy cloud service the appium server is already install over there

Api endpoint =


pCloudy_Username: ‘Enter email’,
pCloudy_ApiKey: ‘Enter API key’,
pCloudy_ApplicationName: ‘pCloudyAppiumDemo-1674560861.apk’,
pCloudy_DurationInMinutes: ‘10’,
pCloudy_DeviceFullName: ‘GOOGLE_Pixel7Pro_Android_13.0.0_dbf82’,
//pCloudy_DeviceManafacturer is an optional capability
pCloudy_DeviceManafacturer: ‘Google’,
//pCloudy_DeviceVersion is an optional capability
pCloudy_DeviceVersion: ‘13.0.0’,
platformName: ‘Android’,
automationName: ‘uiautomator2’,
newCommandTimeout: ‘600’,
launchTimeout: ‘90000’,
appPackage: ‘com.pcloudy.appiumdemo’,
appActivity: ‘’,


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