Gettting "serial error"

Hi Guyz ,

I am getting an error while creating a session the Oxygen with our product pCloudy

The error is given as following

Test started…
info: [WorkerProcess] Starting worker process 2452dff6.
2023-02-07T11:16:45.397Z WARN @wdio/utils:shim: You are running tests with @wdio/sync which will be discontinued starting Node.js v16.Read more on
info: [Oxygen] Loading services…
info: [Oxygen] Loading service: devtools
info: [Oxygen] Loading internal modules…
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: assert [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: date [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: db [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: email [ 0.127 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: eyes [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: http [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: log [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: mailinator [ 0.001 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: mob [ 0.031 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: pdf [ 0.001 sec ]
error: [Oxygen] Error initializing module “serial”: The module ‘/usr/lib/node_modules/oxygen-cli/node_modules/@serialport/bindings/build/Release/bindings.node’
was compiled against a different Node.js version using
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 93. This version of Node.js requires
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 83. Please try re-compiling or re-installing
the module (for instance, using npm rebuild or npm install).

info: [Oxygen] Loading module: shell [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: soap [ 0.09 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: twilio [ 0.001 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: web [ 0.036 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: win [ 0.014 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: proxy [ 0.001 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading module: utils [ 0 sec ]
info: [Oxygen] Loading external modules…
info: [WorkerProcess] Oxygen Worker initialized in 2624 ms
Test 2452dff6 has started…
Test 2452dff6 has finished with status: PASSED.

My oxygen.conf.js file

const path = require(‘path’);

module.exports = {
// ======
// Suites
// ======
// Define your test suites here.
// suites: [{
// name: ‘Selenium’,
// cases: [{
// path: ‘./tests/selenium-with-po.js’
// }]
// },{
// name: ‘Visual’,
// cases: [{
// path: ‘./tests/visual.js’
// }]
// },{
// name: ‘PDF’,
// cases: [{
// path: ‘./tests/pdf.js’
// }]
// }],
// ============
// Capabilities
// ============
// Define your capabilities here.
// If “concurrency” value is greater than 1, tests with different capabilities will be executed in parallel.
concurrency: 1,

capabilities: [{
    browserName: '',
    pCloudy_Username: '',
    pCloudy_ApiKey: '49zfjq28dxchvnxgg35nqpfd',
    pCloudy_ApplicationName: 'pCloudyAppiumDemo-1674560861.apk',
    pCloudy_DurationInMinutes: '10',
    pCloudy_DeviceFullName: 'GOOGLE_Pixel7Pro_Android_13.0.0_dbf82',
    //pCloudy_DeviceManafacturer is an optional capability
    pCloudy_DeviceManafacturer: 'Google',
    //pCloudy_DeviceVersion is an optional capability
    pCloudy_DeviceVersion: '13.0.0',
    platformName: 'Android',
    automationName: 'uiautomator2',
    newCommandTimeout: '600',
    launchTimeout: '90000',
    appPackage: 'com.pcloudy.appiumdemo',
    appActivity: '',


// ============
// Parameters
// ============
/*parameters : {
    file: '<excel or csv file path>',
    mode: 'seq', // can be 'random' or 'all' as well

// ============
// Iterations
// ============
// Tests will run only once if iterations number is not explicitly specified.
//iterations: 1,

// ============
// Selenium & Appium server URLs
// ============
// If not specified, the default URLs will be used
//seleniumUrl: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
appiumUrl: '',

// ========
// Services
// ========
// List services you want to enable during the test execution.
// Available services: selenium-standalone | devtools
services: ['devtools'],   
// =======
// Modules
// =======
// List modules you want to enable during the test execution.
// Loading unnecessary modules might slow down your test execution, 
// so only load modules that are used in the test.
// See a list of available modules here:

// modules: [‘web’, ‘db’, ‘log’, ‘assert’, ‘eyes’, ‘pdf’, ‘http’, ‘email’, ‘win’],
// =========
// Framework
// =========
// Define a testing framework for this project.
// Available frameworks: oxygen | cucumber
framework: ‘oxygen’,
// =========
// Reporting
// =========
// Define test reporter format and corresponding options.
// Multiple reporter formats can be specified.
// Available reporters: json | html | junit | excel | pdf | xml
reporting: {
//outputDir: path.join(__dirname, ‘reports’),
reporters: [‘allure’],
// ==========
// Applitools
// ==========
// Define your Applitools service API key.
// applitoolsOpts: {
// key: ‘{ENTER KEY HERE}’
// },
// =====
// Hooks
// =====
// Oxygen provides several hooks that can be used to interfere with the test
// execution process.
// hooks: {
// //
// // Hook that gets executed before the test starts.
// // At this point, Oxygen has been already initialized, so you
// // can access Oxygen via ‘ox’ global variable.
// //
// beforeTest: function(runId, options, caps) {
// },
// beforeSuite: function(suiteDef) {
// },
// beforeCase: function(caseDef) {
// },
// beforeCommand: function(cmdDef) {
// },
// afterCommand: function(cmdResult) {
// },
// afterCase: function(caseDef, caseResult) {
// },
// afterSuite: function(suiteDef, suiteResult) {
// },
// afterTest: function(runId, testResult) {
// }
// }

What will be possible solution for this

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